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The highest degee in Freemasonry is the Third degree, That of a Master Mason.

The Scottish Rite (a separate organization requiring one to be a Mason to belong) has numbered degrees from 4th to 33rd degree which last is an honorary one. None of these extra degrees make a man any more of a mason, more important, or more powerful than a 3rd degree mason. The 33rd degree is in the Scottish rite of Freemasonry not the traditional lodge where one is made a mason.

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11y ago

The answer to this question is dependent on semantics. Masonic tradition says that there is no degree that is higher than that of Master Mason, or the third degree. The other degrees of Freemasonry that bear higher numbers are not "higher" than that of Master Mason, but are only numbered that way. These are really only additional, but not higher, degrees.

These other Masonic degrees and orders that are conferred within the various "rites" of Freemasonry, include the degrees of the Scottish Rite which go up through the Thirty-third, the American (York) Rite which go up through the Order of the Temple (Knight Templar), the French Rite which go up through its seventh degree, the Swedish Rite which goes up through its eleventh degree of Knight Commander of the Red Cross, etc.

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12y ago

Highest rank in the Freemasons as far as an office is the Grand Master; as far as degrees, it is the Master Mason.

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