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"Pseudocommunity" as this writer has come to be introduced to the concept implies a community - in the commonly understood meaning of the word - in which an individual exists where she/he is surrounded by human beings from whom she/he can neither gain support nor expect trustworthy criticism. Imagine a police state whereby someone suspected of a nefarious or notorious crime - or just singled out for arbitrary maltreatment - is prevented from exceeding boundaries constituting a literal or de fatco imprisonment by having every initiative or action in that direction frustrated by contrived manipulation and reasonably accurate predictabilty based upon uncanny intuition or just unnatural surveillance of long duration. That person, would according to some who have proposed the existence of 'pseudocommunity' as being essential to or just merely definitive of schizogenic pathology, be at extreme risk of developing or having a profound exacerbation of previously dx'd "schizo-phrenia" (or other shizophrenic-spectrum disorder). This writer has known of one such individual whose purported "sin" (crime) was to have challenged the very diagnosis which preceded the attempted return of her to same after having allegedly only feigned symptomology in order to avoid the responsibilities of living a productive and law-abiding and moral life. If it be granted that pseudocommunity is not just a bunch of pretentious stuffed blouses but rather a profound social pathology, then society has to, at least take note, when we subject our citizenry to endless attempts at criminalization through entrapment - especially since it now seems capable AND LIKELY to go beyond prior justifications based on citizen predisposition to the very act of CREATING SUCH DISPOSITIONS where none previously existed.

This writer would appreciate any information regarding writings or other material relating to official or otherwise noteworthy references to 'pseudocommunity' as constituting the etiology of psychological or psychiatric disorders in part or whole.

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