Her favorite musical group is Maroon 5.
Please take this group of children to the school office.
Try to eat five servings from the fruit and vegetable group each day.
The singer waved to a group of excited fans.
He belongs to a church group that cooks meals for the homeless.
We were omitting her from our group.
A control group is never changed.
He was leading the group.
Our group will furnish the food if your group will furnish the location for the picnic.
you are in a excellence group of sport
ur ansestors were part of an ethnic group.
An example sentence using "interest group" in it is: Mothers Against Drunk Driving is both a cause and an interest group.
The group of the igurots were attack by the bandit's.
The word inane means stupid or silly. An example of a sentence using the word would be: "The group ignored Sally's inane ideas".
The men swaggered past the group of women.
The group members worked with excellent cohesion.
I pried that mussel loose from that group of rocks over there.