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Q: What is a Private Interest Group?
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What does interest group mean?

interest group means a private organization that tries to persuade public officials to act or vote in a certain way.

What term describes a non-party private groups organized to elect gov't officials in order to promote their group's interests?

an interest group? maybe

How does joining interest group private citizens participate in their government?

citizens can affect policies without running for office

What is The role of an interest group?

Private Organizations in which citizens of the United States make their ideas, needs, and views known to elected officials. Citizens can usually find an interest group that focuses on their concerns, no matter how specialized they may be.

What is interest groups?

interest group are private organizations whose member share certain views and work to shape public policy.An interest group is an organization where members share common concerns, and try to influence governments to address the impact those concerns. Another common name for an interest group is a special interest group. An interest group would be a social collection of people who share common interests or hobbies. This would be a group of people who enjoy doing the same things such as playing Video Games or sewing.

What is a private organizations that attempt to influence public officials to act or vote in ways that will benefit the groups members?

interest group

What is a private organization that attempts to influence public officials to act or vote in ways that will benefit the groups' members?

interest group

Interest groups are what kind of organizations?


Is Fedecor a sectional interest group or public interest group?

FEDECOR is a public interest group

Is Planned Parenthood an interest group?

An interest group (also advocacy group, lobby group, pressure group or special interest group) is an organized collection of people who seek to influence political decisions so yes, planned parenthood is an interest group An interest group (also advocacy group, lobby group, pressure group or special interest group) is an organized collection of people who seek to influence political decisions so yes, planned parenthood is an interest group

How is the NAACP a special interest group?

They are a Special Interest Group.

What is a sentence for interest group?

The interest group lobbied Congress so they would vote for their cause. Are you a member of an interest group?