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Q: What group gained a greater sense of belonging to mainstream society due to programs such as ccc and wpa?
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What group gained greater sense of belonging to mainstream society due to programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corp and Works Progress Administration?


What group gained a greater sense of belonging to mainstream society due to programs such as the civilian conservative corps and works progress administration?


What group gained a greater sense of belonging to mainstream society due to programs such as the civilian conservation corps ccc and works progress administration?


What group gained a greater sense of belonging to mainstream society due to programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration?


What is mainstream ideas?

the main society not the underground society

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A mainstream person is someone who jumps from trend to trend so that they fit in with the rest of the crowd. Mainstream is being what society thinks you should be, and look like.

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What occurs when members of minority groups come to identify with and feel a part of the mainstream culture?

When members of minority groups come to identify with and feel a part of the mainstream culture, it is referred to as assimilation. It often involves adopting the dominant culture's language, values, traditions, and behaviors. This process can lead to a sense of belonging and acceptance within the larger society but can also entail the loss of cultural heritage and identity.

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A subculture is a group within a society that shares distinctive values, norms, beliefs, practices, and interests that set them apart from the mainstream culture. Subcultures often form around shared identities such as music, fashion, hobbies, or beliefs, and provide a sense of belonging and community for their members.