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Q: What does peeps stand for?
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What are all of the different types of sims?

bad peeps, good peeps, funny peeps, sad peeps, weird peeps, mysterious peeps AND LOADS MORE PEEPS!

Where do the peeps live?

Peeps live in a tiny village called PEEPVILLE. In Peepville all the peeps eat pez and the g peeps are pez peeps and all of the peeps are CRAZY.

What do peeps where in New York?

The candy peeps

When was Peeps created?

Peeps was created in 1953.

How many Peeps do you get in a pack of sugarless Peeps?

peeps hold about 234 grams of sugar in 1 peep.

Is peeps a word?

No, peeps is a slang word for people.

Did a company invent marshmallow peeps?

yes, peeps!

What do girls peeps look like?

Which girls peeps

What does the peeps mean?

Peeps refers to a friend, or close person.

Where are Peeps Marshmallow Bunnies made?

The Peeps processing plant is in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

What is Nick's favorite type of Marshmallow Peeps?

What is his fave type of Marshmallow Peeps

When was Casual peeps at Sophia created?

Casual peeps at Sophia was created in 1967.