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The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organization is Asociación Guías Argentinas or Argentinas Guides Association.

So, yes, Argentina has Girl Guides.

Argentina has several Scouting organizations:

  • Asociación Guías Argentinas, member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, interreligious, co-educational
  • Scouts de Argentina, member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, interreligious, co-educational
  • Coordinación De Asociaciones Diocesanas De Scouts Católicos Argentinos (CADISCA), a federation of several Catholic Scout associations, observer at the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe, co-educational
  • Asociación de Guías Argentinas Católicas, Catholic, girls-only
  • Asociación Argentina de Scouts de Baden Powell, affiliated to the Baden-Powell Scouts and the World Federation of Independent Scouts
  • Sociedad Argentina de Boy Scouts Independientes, affiliated to the World Federation of Independent Scouts
  • Exploradores Argentinos de Don Bosco Movimiento Exploradoril Salesiano, Catholic, co-educational
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13y ago

The Girl Guide program in Argentina is centered on four main areas: the community, the outdoors, culture, and the world of Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting.

They carry out community development projects. They go to camps and learn about the area around that camp. They participate in games, sports and are involved in conservation projects.

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8y ago

Asociación Guías Argentinas (Association of Argentine Guides, AGA) is the national Girl Guiding organization of Argentina.

  • Ages 5 to 6: Pimpollito
  • Ages 7 to 9: Alita (Little Wing)
  • Ages 10 to 12: Guía en Caravana (Caravan Guide)
  • Ages 13 to 15: Guía del Sol (Sun Guide)
  • Ages 15 to 18: Guía Mayor (Senior Guide)

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As of January 1, 2006, The Asociación Guías Argentinas had 3,251 members according to the WAGGGS web site.

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The Ghana Girl Guides Association calls ages 7 to 10 Ananse Guides or Brownie Guides.

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Lady scouts In other countries, they are known as Guides or Girl Guides. The international organization is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

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