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If Juliette Gordon Low played Basketball, she probably wore an outfit similar to the outfits her Girl Scouts wore: loose blouses over pants called bloomers. Since girls at that time were not allowed to wear pants, Juliette had a special basketball court for the girls to use. Curtains were hung to hide the court!

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Q: What did Juliette Low wear to play basketball?
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Related questions

What was the name of Juliette Gordon Low's basketball team?

Juliette Gordon Low did not have a specific basketball team. At the time she began Girl Scouting in the US, girls were not allowed to play basketball in public. Girl Scouts had to play on a basketball court that was surrounded by curtains so that people passing by could not see the girls playing basketball. Girl Scouts played basketball as part of their troop activities. After Juliette Gordon Low returned to England, Edith Johnston took Juliette's place and it was Edith's idea to organize a basketball league and tournament for the Girl Scouts.

What rules did Juliette Low follow to play basketball in 1912?

The Girl Scouts could only play outdoors if there were curtains around the court that could be drawn to shield anyone from seeing the girls play in their bloomers.

Did Juliette Gordon Low like music?

Yes, Juliette Gordon Low liked music. As a young lady at finishing school Juliette learned to play the piano. She also attended concerts and social gatherings which included music.

What were Juliette Gordon Low's hobbies?

Juliette Gordon Low loved animals. Juliette also painted and sculpted.

In what year did Juliette Low die?

Juliette Gordon Low died in 1927.

What is Juliette Low's birthday?

Juliette Low was born on October 31, 1860.

What is Juliette Gordon Low's real name?

Juliette's full name was Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon Low. As a child, however, she was nicknamed "Daisy".Juliette Gordon Low was her real name.

What were some of Juliette Gordon Low's favorite games?

Juliette Gordon Low liked to swim, row, play tennis, and stand on her head. She also enjoyed writing and acting in plays, painting, and sculpting.

What happened when Girl Scouts could not wear pants shorts and trousers?

For many years, Girl Scout uniforms were either dresses or skirts and blouses. In the early days of Girl Scouting, if the girls were going to do an activity which required them to wear pants, it could not be in public. In order to play basketball, Juliette Gordon Low had curtains put up around the basketball court so that, when the Girl Scouts wanted to play basketball, they could pull the curtain shut. That way, the girls could wear their "bloomers" and play basketball without getting into trouble for wearing pants in public. Bloomers: a divided garment women wore on the lower body. In the early 1900's, they had "athletic" bloomers, skirt-less baggy knee-length trousers, fastened to the leg a little below the knees and worn for athletic activities such as basketball.

How old was juliette low when she got married?

Juliette Low was 26 when she got married.

What was the name of Juliette Gordon Low's husband?

Juliette Gordan Low's husband was William (Willie) Mackey Low.

Where can you find quotes about Juliette Gordon Low?

You can find quotes about Juliette Gordon Low on the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace web site. (see Related Links) Other place you can find Juliette Gordon Low quotes: ScoutingWeb SearchQuotes Stacey A. Cordery has an extensive blog that has many quotes about Juliette Gordon Low.