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Juliette Gordon Low suffered from chronic ear infections. At the age of 25, Juliette persuaded the doctor to try an experimental treatment for ear infections, an injection of silver nitrate. This treatment damaged her ear, causing her to lose a great deal of her hearing in that ear.

On her wedding day, a piece of rice became lodged in Juliette's other ear. Since Juliette was leaving on her honeymoon, she did not want to take the time to see a doctor. The rice festered in her ear and became infected so that, by the time she finally went to a doctor, the instrument used to remove the rice made her deaf in that ear.

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Did juliette Gordon lows go to college?

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What were Juliette Lows accomplishments?

The most well-known accomplishment of Juliette Gordon Low is that fact that she started the first troop of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts in the United States and is considered the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA. Before Juliette brought Girl Guiding to America, she also helped start Girl Guide troops in London and Scotland. Juliette also helped found the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Juliette Gordon Low was also quite an artist. Visitors to the The Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scout National Center (or Birthplace) in Savannah, Georgia will see sculptures crafted by Juliette along with a wrought iron gate also crafted by Juliette. During the Spanish American War, Juliette helped her mother set up a convalescent hospital for wounded soldiers returning from Cuba.

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Juliette's favorite subjects in school were probably drawing, speech, French, and piano as she earned high marks in those subjects. She continued with drawing and other artistic endeavors such as sculpting throughout her life.

Why did Julliette Low not have kids?

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When did The High-Lows end?

The High-Lows ended in 2005.

When was The High-Lows created?

The High-Lows was created in 1995.

What are the highs and the lows of music?

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What were Juliette Gordon Lows interests?

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