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hint:organism means "in general" humans,animals, ect.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

arranged, classified, formed, grouped, systematized, tabulated, coordinated

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Q: What are synonyms of organized?
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What are the synonyms for neat?

Synonyms can include tidy, clean, orderly, organized, or shipshape.

What is the synonyms of found?

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What is the synonym for orderly?

Neat, tidy and organized are all synonyms of orderly.

What is a synonym for orderly?

(adjective, in order) Synonyms include neat, arranged, organized, precise, systematic, or methodical. (adjective, comportment) Synonyms include disciplined, behaved, restrained, or decorous. (noun, person) Synonyms include attendant, assistant, aide, or helper.

Synonym of tidy?

Synonyms are words that mean the same or almost the same thing. Some synonyms for the word "tidy" would be: clean, orderly, organized, neat.

What is the synonym and antonym of confused?

synonyms: distracted, disorganized, puzzled antonyms: organized, ordered, systematic

What are some synonyms for the word 'organized'?

A few synonyms for the word "Organize" are; Arrange, Adapt, Shape, Line Up, and Tabulate. Organize is a verb and its true definition means "To Systematize".

What are synonyms of created?

invented, constructed, built, discovered, designed, established, organized

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There are several synonyms to the word "fabricated, including: manufactured, assembeled, brainstormed, built, composed, concocted, contrived, constructed, created, devised, erected, fashioned, formed, formulated, framed, invented, organized, produced, organized, pieced together, structured, put together, made up, and falsified.

What are the synonyms for confederate?

South amalgamated, associated, combined, corporate, federal, federated, in alliance, incorporated, leagued, organized, syndicated, unionized

What are some adjectives for neat?

Neat already is an adjective. If you're looking for synonyms (words that basically means the same thing) some are tidy, clean, and organized.

What is another word for organised?

The word 'organized' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to organize.The noun forms of the verb to organize are organizer, organization, and the gerund, organizing.