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Campfire USA

Boy Scouts of America

Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Job's Daughters International

Junior Achievement

National FFA Organization

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Q: What are four youth organizations besides the Girl Scouts?
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Is there a Cub Scout sister group for Girl Scouts?

No. Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts are different organizations and belong to different international organizations.

Where are Girl Scouts located?

There are Girl Scouts of the USA troops in all 50 states. There are World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts member organizations in 145 countries around the world. See Related Links for a list of all the WAGGGS member organizations.

How many Girl Scout organizations are in the US?

One, Girl Scouts of the USA which is a member of the international orgainzation, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There are other, similar organizations, such as American Heritage Girls and Campfire.

Who runs Boy Scouts and Girl Guides now?

Boy Scouts and Girl Guides/Girl Scouts are run by various non-profit/non-governmental (NGO) organizations, depending on their location.

What is the masculine noun for girl-guide?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are specific organizations designed for girls, based in the UK. Boy Scouts (Boy Scouts of America) and Boy's Brigade, based in the UK are equivalent scouting organizations for boys. These organizations have world wide memberships and there are are a number of similar organizations throughout the world. Note: Girl Guides, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Boy's Brigade are proper nouns and should be capitalized.

Can Girl Scouts receive federal funding?

Yes, like all non-profit organizations, the Girl Scouts of the USA can receive federal funding.

Do the Girl Guides Girl Scouts in Italy have a law?

There are two World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organizations in Italy and each of them have a Girl Guide/Girl Scout law.

Is it called Girl Scouting or Girl Guiding in France?

Yes. There are five main scouting organizations in France, all of which have either Girl Guides or Girl Scouts as members. Les Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs de France ( EEdF ) The Scouts and Scouts of France ( EEDF ) Les Éclaireurs & Éclaireuses Israélites de France ( EEIF ) The Scouts & Girl Scouts Israelites de France ( EEIF ) Les Éclaireuses & Éclaireurs Unionistes de France ( EEUdF ) Scouts & Girl Scouts of France Unionists ( EEUdF ) Les Scouts & Guides de France ( SGdF ) Scouts & Guides of France ( SGDF ) Les Scouts Musulmans de France ( SMF ) The Muslim Scouts of France ( SMF )

Do French people call Girl Scouts Girl Guides or Girl Scouts?

It depends on the organization. There are five World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organizations in France. Four use the term "Girl Scout" and one uses "Girl Guide".

Do you captialize Girl Scouts when used in a sentence?

The rule is to capitalize proper nouns that are names of organizations. 'Girl Scouts,' being such a proper noun, is properly capitalized.

What is the girls version of scouts?

Girl Guides or Girl Scouts, depending on the country and organization they are members of. The international organization is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), although there are other scouting organizations which also accept girl members.

What is the name of Girl Scouts in Iran?

There are no World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scout (WAGGGS) member organizations in Iran.