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Q: Is vol the abbreviation for volunteer?
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Related questions

What is the abbreviation for volunteer?

The abbreviation of volunteer is VOL.

What is abbreviation for volunteer?

Vol is an abbreviation for Volunteer

How many syllables are in the word volunteer?

The word "volunteer" has three syllables: vol-un-teer.

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vol: Who will volunteer to help us build a snowman?

work or labor

What does vol mean in a perfume bottle?

This is probably an abbreviation for "volume".

What is the abbreviation of the word volunteers?

The abbreviation for volunteers is vol. Special shout out to Lancaster,pa. P.S. I am not amish.

Where can you put the stress mark in the word volunteer?

You can put the stress mark on the second syllable of the word "volunteer," so it is pronounced as vol-un-TEER.

What are three words that have the latin root vol in it?

Voluntary Convolution Volunteer

Why was Tennessee called the vol state?

TN was called the volunteer (VOL) state because during the Alamo TN had the most volunteers from the country to fight during the Alamo.

The abbreviation that represents a volume unit is?

There are many abbreviations in each measurement system that represents a unit of volume. In the English system the preferred units are ounce (oz.), quart (qtr.) and gallon (gal), while metric the preferred units are milliliter(ml) and liter (l).

What does the root word vol mean?

The Latin root vol means will. Examples of words include:Volunteer - someone who willingly gives their time to a causeVoluntary - done of one's free willBenovolent - well meaningVolition - one's free will