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For most Brownie Girl Scout and Girl Guide organizations, there is no particular order for the badges. If your organization requires a specific order for the badges, the guider/leader should be able to tell you what it is.

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Q: In what order do Brownie badges go?
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There are a number of ways to learn where to sew badges on a Brownie vest. You could ask the scout leader for example.

What are the rules of brownie points?

One of the great things about being a Brownie is having lots of different badges to try. Badges cover many Hobbies and intrests,so you should be able to find something that you would like to do. As you dont have to do badges to be a Brownie. You can do as many or as few as you want,but its best only to do one at a time. P.S im telling you about the badges the rules are love our god to serve the queen think of others before yourself always do your best. Choosing a badge All the Brownie badges you can do are in the book. Look at the contents list to see all there names. When you have chosen one, look up what you need to do and talk to your Brownie leader about it. You may pick a badge about your Hobbie or do well. You can also choose a badge to start a new hobby or might get a new intrest. Advanced badges Some intrests and hobbies have an advanced level too. It tells you at the start of the badge information if you need to have the first badge before trying it. With your Brownie friends You can do badges on your own or with Brownie friends. Sometimes you whole Pack or Six will do a badge together. Still if you do it with Brownie friends you need to complete it yourself and still try your best! Doing your best One important thing about being a Brownie is all about trying your best at anything you try. Any part of a Brownie badge can be changed so you can show how you do your best. You may be set another clause which is just as hard. On some badges there is a reminder highlited that it can be done others cant do that. If you want the badge can be tested using your first language if this is not english. Remember this is your choice PART 2 WILL COME IF ANYONE IMPROVES!

What is the Brownie badge called and what does it represent?

There is a wide variety of Brownie Girl Scout and Girl Guide Badges. Each badge has its own name and requirements. Each badge represents the topic of the steps taken to earn the badge.

Where do the Brownie badges go on the sash?

For Girl Scouts of the USA, the Girl Scout Brownie badges go on the front of the sash, near the bottom. If you run out of room on the front of the sash, the badges may go on the back of the sash. For GirlGuiding (UK) there is no specific position for the Brownie Interest badges on the sash. However, Brownies and their leaders may decide where to place the badges on the sash.

Where do hockey ref badges go on a ref shirt?

where do the badges go on the referee shirt for hockey

Where do the boyscout badges go?

Boyscouts have a sash that goes across their chest. Patches are sewn on this sash in order they are earned.

What do you do after you get all sixteen badges in heartgold?

Get the Jhoto badges, beat the elite four, go get all of Kanto's badges as well.

How can I find badges?

if you want to find badges be a sertant age go to boy or girl scouts u get many badges

Do WikiGuides give badges out?

WikiGuides have badges they use for messages on the message boards. They do not give WikiAnswers badges out that go on the profiles.

How many gym badges do you need to get to go in to pewter city?

in order to get to pewter city you must have beat all the gym leaders in kanto and johto so all 16 badges and then go to the cave and the boy will move letting you go through the rout and get to preter city

Where do badges go on a brownies sash?

They usually go in the following order: Pack meeting place, area badge (e.g lake district, cheshire, carnavon), pot of gold badge, promise badge rainbows, promise badge brownies, any earnt badges go next.

Do Boy Scout merit badges go in a certain order?

If you are referring to the order in which they should be placed on the merit badge sash, the answer, is no, there is no official order. Some scouts place all of the Eagle-required badges on the inside column, so they are closer to the heart. Others place them in the order in which they were earned. I don't believe there is any "correct" way to do it.