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No, because "wrongful death" is not a criminal charge, only a civil charge (a "lawsuit"), and can result in award of money (restitution, etc), but not jail.

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Q: If a person is convicted of wrongful death charged by his family can they go to jail?
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Yes, a person who has been charged with a felony but not convicted of the crime can be the executor of an estate depending where that person is in the legal process. A person who has been charged with a felony is considered innocent until proven guilty.

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As long as that person can otherwise legally own the firearm.

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Yes, a person is still bondable after being charged with an assault. A person is only unable to get bonded if charged with a felony.

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Not unless a court/jury finds that person GUILTY of the crime. Being charged is not the same as being convicted. Without being convicted, the person's record is clean. Meanwhile, if charged.... Get a lawyer! Say nothing until having talked with the lawyer.

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Being charged is not the same as being convicted. A person who has been charged might still be found innocent of the crime of which he or she has been charged. However, if you have been charged and also convicted of aggravated assault, that is a serious crime and it would involve jail time.

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What is impact on the family of a wrongly convicted person is called?

Collateral Damage

Why was OJ Simpson charged civilly?

the jury came back with a not guilty verdict so in order for the family to get some type of closure in a guilty verdict you are allowed to take him to civil court and it almost another trial in itself, if found guilty the person does not go to jail but will in most cases have to pay a certain amount of money.Added: OJ Simpson was NOT "charged civilly." There is a difference between being "charged" and being "sued."A person can only 'charged' in a criminal action and that is done by the government prosecutor.However when a person is 'sued,' the action is being brought by a private party, for damages.He was SUED by the family for their daughter's wrongful death.

If you pled guilty to a misdemeanor and received summary probation does that mean you were convicted of a crime?

Yes, entering a guilty plea is the same as being convicted of the crime that the person was charged with.

Can your husband be sued for wrongful death if the accident was not his fault?

Anybody can be sued for wrongful death. Many people are sued for wrongful death even if they have no culpability in the event. It all depends on the desire of the family of the person who died. Whether the claim will be successful is an entirely different question. But the family of the decedent will potentially look for any sources of recovery and try to prove at least some fault on that person's behalf.

How long does a felony remain on the convicted person's record?

Permanently. The exceptions are a pardon or expungement granted by the governor of the state in which the person received the felony conviction or the President if it is a federal conviction. Such acts are taken in relation to wrongful conviction. For example, the person being cleared in a retrial or by evidence such as DNA being presented that proves the person inoccent of the crime for which he or she was convicted.

What can the president give to someone who has been unfairly convicted of a crime?

The president can grant clemency to someone convicted of a crime. Clemency can mean the sentence is either shortened or waived for that person. As for compensation for wrongful imprisonment, the president does not give any compensation. Once out of prison, the convicted can sue for compensation, but the president has nothing to do with that.