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identifydifferent criterion by whichorganization can compensate employeess

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Q: Identify five different types of criteria by which organization can compensate employees?
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Identify the different criteria by which organization can compensate employees?

Pay Reward Promotion recognition flexible time

Identify five different criteria by which an organization can compensate employees based on their knowledge and experience?

When it comes to criteria by which an organization can compensate its employees, there is the bonus and salary increment. Others are insurance, pension plan and paid vacation.

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In most cases, organizations have a human resources department which takes care of employee morale. A simple way to identify employee morale is to take an anonymous survey of morale. Another way to identify morale is to speak to the employees without any reprecussions about their feelings about the company. When morale is up, the team works better in an organization, so if the employees are not working at their full potential there may be a problem with morale.

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School is an organization because there are different departments working harmoniously. Administration Management Faculty Services These departments make a school a complete organization.

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The uses of performance evaluation in the organization are outlined below. Performance evaluation is the continuous assessment of the employee to asertain his/her performance in comparison with the set standards. Uses of performance evaluation; 1.To find out the strengths and weaknesses of the employee and inform him. 2.To motivate weak employees 3.To align performance with organization's strategies. 4.To identify personnel for promotion and transfer 5.To identify criteria for compensation and benefits according to the usefulness of the employee to the organization. 6. To help in succession planning 7.For employees and management to meet and discuss objectives 8.To identify problems preventing the employee performing well. 9. To identify training needs. By Dr.Ntwatwa Lule,Kampala Uganda

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