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If you want to be a member of a Girl Scout or Girl Guide troop, you should contact the Girl Scout or Girl Guide organization in your area. They will help you either find a troop or group to join or help you organize a new troop or group.

In Girl Scouts of the USA, there are local Girl Scout councils you can contact.

See Related Links for a link to find your local Girl Scout council and a link to find the Girl Scout or Girl Guide organization in your country.

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Does this sentence have correct pronoun usage All the Girl Scouts met her own fundraising goal?

No, it should be All the Girl Scouts met their own fundraising goal

Who was the first to make smores?

Girl Scouts back in the early 1920's.

What crafts do Girl Scouts make?

Girl Scouts make all kinds of crafts. It depends on what the troop chooses to make and if the craft is part of a badge requirement or helps to fulfill a badge requirement. One craft item many Girl Scouts make are called SWAPS. The theme of the SWAP shows something about the Girl Scout , the Girl Scout troop, or the area they live in. The SWAPS are then traded with other Girl Scouts as a way to make friends and learn about Girl Scouts from other places.

What are Girl Scouts like in Puerto Rico?

Since Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, Girl Scouts in Puerto Rico are part of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). They are part of the Caribe Girl Scout Council which is one of the 112 councils that make up GSUSA. Girl Scouts in Puerto Rico do the same activities as Girl Scouts in any GSUSA council.

Do Girl Scouts sell cookies in Thailand?

Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) of Thailand Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is possible that Girl Guides of Thailand do not sell cookies. However, members of USA Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and may be selling cookies in Thailand.

How many Girl Scout councils are there in Texas?

There are 8 Girl Scout Councils in the US state of Texas: Girl Scouts of Central Texas Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas Girl Scouts of Greater South Texas Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains

Do Girls Scouts in Russia sell Girl Scout cookies?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is possible that Russian Federation Girl Scouts do not sell cookies.

Do Russian Girl Scouts sell cookies and what kind?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is very likely that Russian Federation Girl Scouts do not sell cookies.

Do Italian girl scouts sell cookies?

There are two different organizations for Girl Scouts/Girl Guides in Italy.Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori Ed Esploratrici Italiani (CNGEI)Associazione Guide E Scouts Cattolici Italiani (AGESCI)Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is possible that Italian Guides/Scouts do not sell cookies.

How do you say Girl Scout in Hawaiian?

Girl Scout Girl Scouts in Hawaii are members of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), so they use English for Girl Scouts.

What is the Girl Scouts motos?

The Girl Scouts and Girl Guides share the same motto as the Boy Scouts. This motto from 1907 is 'Be Prepared."

What is the safest military branch?

Girl Scouts, definitely Girl Scouts!