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They are funded through donations and fund raisers. Boy Scouts have an annual popcorn sale, and Girl Scouts have an annual cookie sale. They actually only get a small percentage of the sales. For instance, Girl Scouts sell their cookies for $3.50 a box, and they get to keep $0.60 of each sell. They depend heavily on donations.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

girl scounts can raise money by having a little boot fair outside where the meetings are held

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What is oldeer boy or Girl Scouts?

Boy Scouts were founded first.

What is a group of boy scouts or Girl Scouts?

A Patrol.

Have Girl Scouts been going longer than Boy Scouts?

No, the Boy Scouts were founded in 1909. The Girl Scouts were founded three years later in 1912.

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The Girl Scouts and Girl Guides share the same motto as the Boy Scouts. This motto from 1907 is 'Be Prepared."

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As in Boy Scouts or Girl scouts? Yes but their activities differ from scouts in the US.

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Boy Scouts and Girl Guides/Girl Scouts are run by various non-profit/non-governmental (NGO) organizations, depending on their location.

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What is the masculine form of Girl Guide?

The organizational counterpart would be Scouts or Boy Scouts. Girl Guides and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are a female based organization.

What do you call those little girls that are like Boy Scouts?

The girls are the Girl Scouts.

What is the feminine of Boy Scout?

It is either Girl Scout or Girl Guide or Guide. The international organization is the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

What is the masculine noun for girl-guide?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are specific organizations designed for girls, based in the UK. Boy Scouts (Boy Scouts of America) and Boy's Brigade, based in the UK are equivalent scouting organizations for boys. These organizations have world wide memberships and there are are a number of similar organizations throughout the world. Note: Girl Guides, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Boy's Brigade are proper nouns and should be capitalized.