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To join Freemasonry, you must be a man, of age (18 - 25 depending on where you are), who believes in God (any religion, or no religion is fine, but you must believe in a supreme being) and immortality of the soul (an eternal afterlife). If you meet those qualifications, you just have to ask a Mason. If you don't know any Masons, you can contact your local lodge to see about going and visiting. They should be happy to speak with you.

Once you've made the acquaintance of one or more Masons, you'll have to fill out a petition (a form that asks about why you want to join, what you expect of Freemasonry, who you are, etc.), with the Mason(s) you've met as signers to the petition. The details of this can vary based on where you are.

Once they have your petition back, they will read your petition in lodge, and will assign a committee to visit with you, usually three or so people. They will meet with you and your wife or other family members if you desire, and will make sure you have the best understanding of Freemasonry that you can have without actually being a Mason. They are also there to evaluate your character, and will report back to the next lodge meeting. The members of the lodge will then vote on your admittance; it takes a unanimous vote to be admitted.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Traditionally, a man who petitions a Masonic lodge for the degrees of Freemasonry must be of lawful age (usually 21, but sometimes 18, depending on the jurisdiction), freeborn (an antiquated term, usually interpreted to mean that he is not an indentured servant), sound in mind and members (he must be sound in mind, however, there is an additional process that must be employed if he does not have full use of his fingers, limbs, eyes, ears, etc. This is to make sure that proper accommodation is made for his disability), and he must "come under the tongue of good repute" (that is, he cannot have a bad reputation or a be guilty of felony or crime of moral turpitude). Freemasonry only makes good men better, it does not and cannot make a bad man into a good man. To this, I would add that he needs to be financially solvent. He cannot be broke, or dependent on others for his livelihood. Further, he cannot be a man who has taken a vow of poverty.

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12y ago

You just have to be male and recommended by 2 other members.

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11y ago

Qualifications for joining Freemasons is you must believe in God, and not have a criminal record.

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9y ago

Just ask any Freemason to join and he will tell you how.

Just ask a Freemason to join the Lodge.

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11y ago

If you know a Mason he can give you an application to apply.

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12y ago

Find the closest masonic lodge to you and ask a member to join. They will explain the process to you and get you started.

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