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Q: How are children raise in equality society?
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What is the responsibility of a family in this society?

Some will say it's to raise children who can function well within society, others will say it's to raise good kindhearted and well mannered children. I settle for somewhere in between.

What is a good sentence using the word equality?

Noun: The state of being equal; corresponding in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability; uniformity of character Example: The struggle for equality in the work place has been a hard fought battle for women over the years. Example: Only when society has reached a state when no-one thinks twice about a man deciding to be the one to stay at home to raise the children, will we have attained true equality of the sexes.

How were women expected to bring about change in society in the 1800s?

women were supposed to influence their husbands and raise patriotic children

Why can't women in ancient Greece study science?

Women were used to run the home and bear and raise children, and kept in virtual purdah, getting out occasionally for women's religious festivals. It was very much a male dominated society. There were a few exceptions - Spartan women had a degree of equality, but not politically.

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The duties of a Jewish father are the same as any father: to love, protect, and raise their children to be assets to society.

How were women expected to bring about change in society in the early 1800s?

women were supposed to influence their husbands and raise patriotic children

What effect did the American Revolution have on the role of women in society-?

Women began to speak out about issues that affected their ability to raise their children

What effect did the American Revolution have on the role of the women in society?

women began to speak out about issues that affected their ability to raise their children.

What effect the American revolution have on the role of women in society?

women began to speak out about issues that affected their ability to raise their children.

What effect of the American Revolution have on the role of women in society?

women began to speak out about issues that affected their ability to raise their children.

How were women expected to bring about change in the society in the early 1800s?

women were supposed to influence their husbands and raise patriotic children

How were women expecting to bring about change in society in the early 1800s?

women were supposed to influence their husbands and raise patriotic children