Saving money is important to most everyone in today's trying economy. One place to explore cutting costs is the monthly garbage bill. There are ways to help defray garbage collection costs. It is important to find the method that best fits the household's needs.
One method is to shop local companies for the best price. Some companies will match a competitor's price in order to win business. Also ask if the company offers different collection choices. It may be possible to opt for once a week pick up instead of twice a week pickups. Or, maybe a neighbor would be interested in splitting the cost of the bill. Designate one house as the pickup point and take both households' trash to that curb for pickup.
In rural areas, it may be possible to burn trash. This is a basically a free option, but not all types of refuge will burn so a backup method is still required. Also, make sure to check local ordinances to make sure it is possible to burn trash. Some municipalities will only allow burning at set times in the fall so it is imperative to check the dates burning is allowed before proceeding with this option.
Trash companies will often lower group rates if an entire community or subdivision will commit to using that company exclusively for their trash collection. This will require the subdivision committee contracting bids from local trash companies. The bids are then presented to the community at a meeting and the eligible members vote on accepting or declining the service. This option not only saves on collection cost, but can help prevent road damage by reducing the number of heavy vehicles using the road.
Finally, another option to consider is to arrange for a community dumpster. The dumpster would need to be placed in a central, easy to reach location that offers enough room for users to drive up and park if necessary. The group would then split the cost of the dumpster. This option makes it easy to discard large items that the trash collector would normally refuse. However, it is a bit of an inconvenience to the user having to drive trash to a location instead of just putting out at the curb.
Each available option offers benefits and negatives. While some can be implemented by the individual, others require a group consensus and cooperation. Contact the subdivision committee to ask if they are interested in combining efforts and arranging a group solution. If they are not, then utilize one of the options available to the individual.
Creativity with Bill Moyers - 1982 Garbage 1-5 was released on: USA: 22 February 1983
The average monthly garbage bill for a college student varies depending on the location and the type of housing they live in. On average, it can range from $10 to $30 per month. Some colleges include garbage services in their overall fees for on-campus housing.
Garbage. You put Garbage in the Garbage.
garbage in, garbage out.. it also a famous underware brand garbage in, garbage out garbage in, garbage out
It lands in a garbage bin and is later taken to a garbage dump by a garbage truck.
Use energy efficient (EnergyStar) products to lower your home energy bill.
The garbage of Garbage Island comes from mostly the United States
Dry garbage can be recycled and wet garbage can be used as fertilizers.
A garbage can is called an ashcan because the garbage in it is like ash and it's a garbage CAN. ;)
cause it is garbage
There are many ways one can lower their electric bill. This includes installing solar panels, reducing the thermostat if you have electric heating and switching off lights when not in use.