

How to Choose Shower Heads?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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Every morning most people get out of bed and head for their bathrooms. They then engage in the morning ritual of the shower. Everyone enjoys taking showers and getting themselves clean in the morning. It rejuvenates and awakens them, as well as letting people pretend they are on American Idol. All in all, a shower can’t be beat.

However, many people don’t really give much thought to how their shower works. They don’t realize that there are many different kinds of shower heads in use today. They just flip on the water and clean themselves up. When it is time for a new shower head, they are often lost. This is a guide on choosing the best kinds of shower heads.

Shower heads have two main deliver systems. That is to say, they both release the water in different ways. The first system is known as a laminar-flow shower head. It simply releases the water straight from the pipe though the shower head. The second type of shower head is called an aerating shower head. This type is different due to its aeration of the water. Aeration means that air is mixed in with the water coming from the pipe before it is released from the shower head. This aeration creates more heat and steam in the shower, so an aerating shower head is great for people who live in colder climates. People in warmer climates will want to choose a laminar-flow system.

Along with two main delivery systems, there are two main styles of shower heads as well. The first is known as a fixed shower head. The fixed style is just as it sounds. It is fixed into the wall and only swivels slightly around. The second style of shower head is called a shower handset. This style is a shower head attached to a flexible hose. This means the shower head can be moved throughout the shower. It is very valuable both for taking baths and for use by disabled people. The shower handset also sets into a cradle that turns it into a temporarily fixed shower head. Taking all this into consideration, the most convenient kind of shower head is the shower handset.

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