

Why branded clothes are expensive?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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13y ago

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They think that if they have an EXPENSIVE name you will become more popular. (Ex. Abercombie, Aeropostle, Uggs, and Coach) No offense to those who have those particular items but that is not how people should think about it. This is opinion so don't be too offended. == ==

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Young people often pay big prices to buy branded clothes so as to keep up with fashionable trends. This is commonly referred to as swag in slang language.

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because they are better quality and are part of a bigger company,also their clothes are sexeir

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If you are looking for branded clothes then you can refer to an online shopping portal It keep all types of branded clothes.

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It is a brand, not a designer. Jack wills clothes are branded.

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you can buy either, it depends on how much youre willing to spend mostly, branded ones are more expensive than imitations. YOU CHOOSE!

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really expensive its a rip off

Why do people buy expensive clothes?

Some people can afford to buy expensive clothes, and they like to show off their wealth, and so they buy expensive clothes to do so. Others think that expensive clothes have better style, are made in a better fabric and keeps in style for many years, and so they buy more expensive clothes. Others may be obsessed with a brand name, and want to have everything from that fashion line. Others may buy expensive clothes because they want to seem more rich and popular, and others may be peer pressured into doing so.

What clothing do the people wear in United States?

cool clothes and expensive clothes.

How are branded goods more expensive than non-branded goods?

Advertising. They make us all think that the brand names are good and the "generic" isnt. I think it is that simple. Of course that is my opinion.