Because an air heat pump is a machine that is used to keep in-home temperatures stabilized, it is considered a "home-improvement" device. You can find dozens of Home Improvement stores that will sell this type of item. For example, Loewe's Home Furnishings and Home Depot are two of the many stores that may sell air heat pumps.
While Goodman does not sell its heat pumps or other products directly from its website, they do provide a search tool which enables USA or Canadian customers to enter their zip code and display a list of local dealers. To help consumers choose, dealers in the list are tagged as to whether they offer such things as free estimates, 24-hour service, or offer extended service plans.
An air conditioner if functioning as air warmer or air chiller can be called as a type of heat pump. If an air conditioner is working as an air de-humidifier then it no more a heat pump.
Air to air simply means a heat pump that sits outside of your home and pulls heat from the outside air. This is the most common type of heat pump.
An air heat pump is used to heat and cool your home. It is like an air conditioner in the warmer months but then can also heat your home if the outside temperature is above freezing.
Sorry about the ignorant answer someone left. Yes A heat pump is also an Air Conditioner.
A heat pump pulls the air back through and recylces it to make heat. A heat strip is just air being pushed across the heat strip to make the air warm.
A heat pump is designed to extract heat from the outside air, even during cold weather. It uses this extracted heat to warm the indoor air. This is why a heat pump blows warm air instead of cold air during operation.
yes it can but everytime you want heat you have to put it on Emergency Heat..
Yes, there is a difference between a geothermal heat pump and a traditional heat pump. A geothermal heat pump uses the ground or water as a heat source in the winter and a heat sink in the summer, whereas a traditional heat pump typically uses outdoor air as the heat source or sink. Geothermal heat pumps are more energy efficient and environmentally friendly compared to traditional heat pumps.
With heat pumps supply air temp will vary with outdoor temp. The colder it gets outside the less efficient the heat pump will be (colder supply air).
Energyunited does not offer heat pumps but they do offer a rebate!
Ground source heat pumps, or geothermal systems, use the earth as a heat source in winter and a heat sink in the summer. They can be purchased from Ingrams Water and Air, Water Furnace and Xcel Energy.