Unless you purchase a bundle with a game in a special the PS2 does not include a game
That will depend on the bundle you choose to purchase for your party.
One may purchase an AMD motherboard bundle from Newegg. It may also be purchased at Directron, Tiger Direct and Microcenter as well as Outlet PC and Dabs.
It does if you get it as a bundle with all the instruments
no you can not
I would recommend a TV for the PS2
If you purchase the PS2 version of the game
Yes, I am 95% sure they do.
Once again...NO
PS2s were $100 but are getting harder to find and Amazon wants $135 for the Mario Bundle in White or Black. You can actually pay more for the PS2 if you do not shop and locate one of the ones for $100 Target has them, but not at the stores. Walmart and Amazon are out of stock for the PS2, but both have the Wii
Ebay has used one that sell in bundles from people that no longer want them sometimes there are cheap and sometimes you pass and bid on a different bundle.
Websites such as eBay, Gamespot, and Amazon have a selection of PS2 component cables for sale. Futureshop box stores should also have PS2 component cables.