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Q: Where can I buy a decosonic convection roaster or does anyone have one they would sell?
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Are a convection oven and a roaster oven the same?

I would think so because the fan would help the convection currents but... don't take my word for it, I'm not an oven expert! Hope this helps if not soz!

If you had a donkey i had a roaster your donkey ate my roaster what would you have?

A donster

How many pounds of hash browns does it take to fill an 18 quart roaster?

It would take approximately 9 pounds of hash browns to fill an 18-quart roaster.

How would you restate something?

For an example if the question was what is a convection current you would say: I think a convection current is. And then you would tell your answer.

Where can I buy a commercial coffee roaster for my small business?

You can purchase a commercial coffee roaster online at, or It would be beneficial online, therefore you can compare prices, read reviews and return your product with no hassle.

How are convection currants created?

Heat. In a convection oven is would be Hot air.

How would you use convection current in a sentence?

The Gulf Stream is an example of convection current.

How would use convection current in a sentence?

The Gulf Stream is an example of convection current.

Why a spoon is getting heated over a fire?

A spoon over a fire would would be heated from convection, because convection is when hot air rises and cold air falls which is known as a convection current.

During which holidays might one use roaster ovens the most?

Holidays where one might use a roaster oven, would be those that one usually prepares big dinners for. These holidays may include Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and New Year.

Why are there convection currents in the mantel?

There are convection currents in the mantle because if they werent everything would be the same temprature

Why are convection currents in the mantel?

There are convection currents in the mantle because if they werent everything would be the same temprature