A sears credit card is like any credit card. You can earn points when spending and using the credit card at Sears. You pay monthly bills like a regular card.
A sears card, depending on which one you apply for, also has a benefit of a free $10/$15 reward off of your first statement. This only applies to your first purchase on the day you get approved for a sears credit card. There is no annual fee for the card, unless stated otherwise- like the cards from HSBC may require an annual fee.
hat other merchants accepts sears credit card.
Sears do have a credit card. In order to apply for a Sears credit card, just make a purchase at any sears store. The cashier will ask if you if you would like to pay for that item on your sears card. Tell the cashier that you do not have a Sears Card then the cashier will ask you if you would like to open a Sears card. You can save 10% off the item . That is when you will say yes I would like to
Yes there are in fact it. If you are a Sears credit card holder, you will get special coupons in the mail that other people will not get?
Credit card interest rates vary with individuals' credit scores and worthiness. Sears offers three different credit card options with a stated average interest rate of 25 percent
American Express is the credit card that has exactly 15 digits in its card number.
Yes you can.
I've read on line that you can get a limit of $12,000 for your Sears credit card. I really don't know if that is actually possible, to have that big of a limit on a card like that.
You can obtain a Sears card with rates anywhere from 8 to 28 percent. It all depends where you apply and what kind of a credit risk you are and your past credit history.
If you apply for a Sears credit card in the store you can probably receive a discount on your purchase that day, and receive a 0% introductory offer. This offer does depend on your credit check, and will vary depending on your score.
Credit card interest rates vary with individuals' credit scores and worthiness. Sears offers three different credit card options with a stated average interest rate of 25 percent
If you apply for a Sears credit card in the store you can probably receive a discount on your purchase that day, and receive a 0% introductory offer. This offer does depend on your credit check, and will vary depending on your score.
3 days