Extra large and tall
The size 16.5 32-33 is not a dress size but a shirt size. It means the shirt size is 16.5 with a neck size of 32 and a sleeve length of 33 inches.
Size 18 Unitog shirt is a shirt that has an 18" neck size.
Shirt size 32-33 refers to the neck size and sleeve length of the shirt. The number 32 represents the neck size in inches, and 33 represents the sleeve length in inches. This sizing is commonly used for men's dress shirts.
That depends what you mean by a 36 shirt. Usually it means a size 36 shirt, so the answer depends on the price of such a shirt. If you mean a shirt that costs 36 (dollars, cents, euros, whatever), the answer is 2.52.
small size
mabey youth medium i think unless youre talking numbers
This means that the fabric of your t-shirt has already been washed and dried. If you wash your t-shirt, it should stay the same size as when you bought it and not get smaller.
depends on the size shirt of the woman my final answer would be probably no.
The "M" stands for "Medium", and the "W" for "Woman", meaning that the size is specifically made for women.
Oliver Sykes' shirt size is a small.