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Home improvements

1. Insulate your walls and ceilings. If you live in a colder climate, consider superinsulating. (If you have electric heat, you might also consider switching to more efficient gas or oil.)

2. Modernize your windows with argon filled, double-glazed windows

3. Plant shade trees and paint your house a light color if you live in a warm climate, or a dark color if you live in a cold climate.

4. Weatherize your home or apartment, using caulk and weather stripping to plug air leaks around doors and windows.

Home Appliances

5. Turn your refrigerator down. Also, check the gaskets around your refrigerator/freezer doors to make sure they are clean and sealed tightly.

6. Set your clothes washer to the warm or cold water setting, not hot.

7. Make sure your dishwasher is full when you run it and use the energy saving setting, if available, to allow the dishes to air dry.

8. Turn down your water heater thermostat. Thermostats are often set to 140 degrees F when 120 is usually fine.

9. Select the most energy-efficient models when you replace your old appliances. Look for the Energy Star Label - your assurance that the product saves energy and prevents pollution. Buy the product that is sized to your typical needs - not the biggest one available. Front loading washing machines will usually cut hot water use by 60 to 70% compared to typical machines.

Home heating and cooling

10. Be careful not to overheat or overcool rooms. In the winter, set your thermostat at 68 degrees in daytime, and 55 degrees at night. In the summer, keep it at 78.

11. Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Energy is lost when air conditioners and hot-air furnaces have to work harder to draw air through dirty filters.

Small investments that pay off

12. Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for your most-used lights. Although they cost more initially, they save money in the long run by using only 1/4 the energy of an ordinary incandescent bulb and lasting 8-12 times longer. They provide an equivalent amount of bright, attractive light. Only 10% of the energy consumed by a normal light bulb generates light. The rest just makes the bulb hot. If every American household replaced one of its standard light bulbs with an energy efficient compact fluorescent bulb, we would save the same amount of energy as a large nuclear power plant produces in one year. In a typical home, one compact fluorescent bulb can save 260 pounds of CO2 per year.

13. Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket, which costs just $10 to $20.

14. Use less hot water by installing low-flow shower heads

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16y ago
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13y ago

There are many different ways you can save energy.

You probably should turn off all the lights in your house unless you are using them. Turn your t.v off when you leave the house!

I agree with the first paragraph one way u can reduce the bills or costs of your air conditioner is to use fans or but some environmentally friendly air conditioner.

I say that there are many other ways to reduce electricity like not to use your electricity for one day.

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12y ago

You can unplug an appliance when your not using it and use it efficiently, turn off the lights when you leave a room, and turn off the TV when your not watching it. By doing these simple things you are saving our planet alot plzzz do your bit.

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13y ago

Some ways to reduce your electricity bill would to be to turn off lights when leaving the house, don't leave fans, computers on when not in the room. Do not leave on electronic devices when they are not in use.

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13y ago

Almost anyone can reduce their electric bill by paying special attention to how they use electricity on a daily basis. While using energy efficient appliances and light bulbs is important, it is just as important to use electricity wisely. Turning out lights when you are not in a room is a good start, but there are other things you can do to reduce your electric bill.

Other ways to ensure you pay as little as possible for electricity include only running the dishwasher and the washing machine when they are full. By doing this, you will run fewer cycles, which will not only reduce the amount you pay for electricity, but it will make your appliances last longer.

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15y ago

1.) Use energy-efficient appliences. 2.) Turn off the TV, computer, radio, and appliances when not using them. 3.) Shut off lights that don't need to be on or when you leave a room.

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10y ago

Replace your 75-watt light bulbs with 40-watt light bulbs!

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13y ago

A good way to lower your electricity bill is by using heat lamps and fans to give you a variance in temperatures. Also, try unplugging gadgets that are not in use.

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Q: What are some ways to reduce your electricity bill?
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There are plenty of ways to reduce an electricity bill for an apartment. It can truly be a wise choice to try to reduce an electricity bill for an apartment if a person needs to do so. A person can save hundreds of dollars by doing something as simple as unplugging a computer or printer. By unplugging these sorts of appliances a person can save hundreds of dollars every year on electricity bill expenses. There are also other ways people can reduce electricity bills, and this article will explain those sorts of ways a person can save. A person may be able to save on an electricity bill by remembering to shut off the lights in his or her apartment before leaving for work in the morning. Also, if a person is doing work on a computer, then he or she should only leave one or two lights on, as opposed to a whole house full of lights. By leaving only one or two lights on, this will save plenty of energy throughout the house. This is one of the best ways to save money.

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Lowering Electricity Bill and Cost Saving Tips?

Lowering the electricity bill can have a huge impact on your monthly expenses. There are many ways to decrease the amount of electricity used in your home. First, it is important to turn off lights when a room is not in use, or during daytime hours, the lights may not be needed. Using more natural light can reduce your utility bill greatly. New greener bulbs can also reduce your bill. Statistics show that using the new types of greener bulbs can help in lowering the electricity bill. New bulbs use new technology to minimize the amount of energy needed to give off light. These bulbs are good for the environment, and they are good for your monthly budget.

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Options in Paying an Electric Bill?

There are many ways that a person can choose to pay an electricity bill these days, which can give a person greater financial flexibility and freedom when it is needed. These days, a person can do everything from writing a check to using a credit card to pay an electricity bill. This article will discuss all of the ways a person can pay an electricity bill, in order to do what is best for one's financial situation. One of the easiest ways to pay an electricity bill is by simply paying the bill online. Paying a bill online allows a person to save a great deal of time and devote that time to working or doing other important endeavors. A person also does not have to pay for stamps, postage, or envelopes, which can be burdensome expenses for people that are trying to save every penny possible. Another way to pay an electricity bill is using a credit card. This is convenient if a person does not have adequate cash to pay such a bill. This is one of the best ways to pay a bill.

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There are some simple and advance ways to do this. You mainly could make sure you're not using un-needed electricity by turning off lights and appliances in rooms you have exited. You could also convert to solar or wind energy to reduce factory production.

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