You can tumult down to a zero!
Tumult means very loud
The children were creating quite the tumult upstairs...
The nation is in tumult because of the president's offensive language. The Me Too Movement has created tumult in Hollywood.
The tumult reached its height during the premier's speech. The tumult moved toward the embassy. His placid facade failed to conceal the tumult of his mind.
His mother's 4-year incarceration was a period of great tumult in his life.
The word tumult refers to a very loud, confusing jumble of noise. For example, "the class was in tumult and the teacher could not be heard over the noise".
loud, confused noise from a group of people- The crowd made a tumult after they heard the band lip-sink.confusion or disorder-She made a tumulting look after she tripped on something unfamiliar.His voice, crying for everyone to remain clam, was lost in the tumult of the mob.
Tumult has two syllables.
Tumult Records was created in 1999.
Tumult - noun, a riot or uprising; noise, as made by a crowd. Tumult - A record label based in San Francisco. Tumult - An album by Dutch punk rock band The Ex.
The adverb form for the noun tumult is tumultuously.