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16y ago

Sometimes shopping isn't enjoyable because you're tired, or you're hungry, or maybe it's just your personality. If you can't find what you're looking for, you won't enjoy shopping. Take it from somebody who knows.

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13y ago

Yes! If i had alot of money i would love to go shopping it would be fun!

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14y ago

you get to buy stuff

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Q: Is shopping is having a fun?
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What has the author Anne Roy written?

Anne Roy has written: 'Out shopping' 'Having fun'

Fun is what to you?

Fun to me is being with my best friend and going to the movies to see a horror movie, and then having pizza later, and then shopping all day and then having dinner at night.

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There are a number of fun shopping games available. These include Shopping Mall, Shopping Street and Shopping City. Another good game is Boutique Shopping Fun.

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why yes its very fun especially when its not fun to not have fun having fun while you dont have no fun not having fun while you dont have fun about having fun doing the action of not having fun. =) <--this is not fun so its fun Not having fun is not fun because having fun is the opposite of fun so fun would be more exciting.

Is shopping a sport?

shopping is a sport because it takes up energy and its fun! gooooooo shopping!

Is shopping fun?

In my opinion, yes.

Is there anything you dislike about shopping?

i dont dislike shopping its really fun yay

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Smiling shoppers

Should i still shop at justice even if my friend gets mad at me?

Personally I would. If they moan and get mad about it there not really your friends. Friends would be there with you shopping and having fun.

What do you have to do in shopping cart hero?

upgrade your shopping card and see how far you can go. its a fun game :)

What did the Irish workers do for fun?

We like to go shopping, go to the movies, read and have fun! If you do stuff for fun, then they probrobly do it to.

What are fun things to do with friends?

if your a girl go shopping