

Best Answer

Its my impression it is, they give you a below market value price for your gold, much like a pawnbroker. It does however only value your jewelery at scrap value, so say if you had some very precious gold craft, only its weight would be considered for your offering


They give you WAY BELOW market value. Less even than a pawnbroker.

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Q: Is cash for gold a real deal?
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Do your research they are not the company you want to deal with, there payout is 20% of your gold worth.

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Real Deal - 2011 Gunning for Gold 1-3 was released on: USA: 28 November 2011

How are you going to buy a gold in crime city?

Go to a little plus sign next to the gold and cash amount and click, and a thing pops up to buy gold and cash for REAL MONEY.

Would I get a better deal for my wedding ring from a pawn shop or a cash for gold company?

Assuming your ring is primarly made out of high quality gold, you would get more from a cash for gold company. However, you really won't get all that much from either. If you can affoard to take some extra time, your best bet would be to try selling it on Ebay. Certainly a pawn shop. " Cash For Gold " is just that, cash for gold. They don't care what it is. They will give you " Cash For Gold. " They don't advertise " Cash For Your Wedding Ring. "

How do you know if your getting a good deal when trading gold for cash How much profit should the buyer be making?

Get a stock quote on the price of gold and you should get about 25% of that.

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25 playfish cash(real money) or 65,000 coins

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You order a cash pack from one of the cash for gold services company's online, you send them your gold and they send you a check in the mail.

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Where can one exchange cash for gold?

One can exchange cash for gold at a number of local establishments in the area one is living in. One such place is AAA Gold Exchange, which offers cash for gold and other jewelry.

What did the people in the gold rush do with the gold?

Most people went to the gold traders to exchange their gold for cash, or they took it to the bank, where they would also exchange it for cash.

Where is cash for gold located?

Cash for gold is located country wide. If you are looking for a cash for gold location to physically walk in to, using the local pages or Google + is a great resource. However, there are several great online databases for cash for gold. I have personally used cash for gold only once, and had a really great experience. Be careful though, and look for trust seals.

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