Zellers's population is 35,000.
Zellers was created in 1931.
its zellers opean today
No, Publix Food & Pharmacies are not, "unionized."
Emerald Zellers was born in 1990.
Ellie Zellers is 4' 11".
There are no Zellers stores in the United States. Only in Canada.
If you want to find a Zellers in your area go on to www.zellers.com and search "Zellers in my area" then click where you live. This is a the best way to find a Zellers in your area. You can also search on Google MAps or Mapquest.
Kurt Zellers was born on 1969-10-16.
"Yes, Zellers does carry musical tables. You can go to a store that is a reseller or Zellers or you can go to their website where they have a catalog of their items that are for sell."
Yes, there are several Zellers stores in Edmonton and the surrounding areas. In particular there is a Zellers store in the Northwood Mall and the Westmount Shopping Center.
Zellers is a brand name therefore the name is exactly the same in any language.