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it can be sold for as much as any one would like it to be.

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Q: How much can a droid be sold for online?
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How much is the Droid phone?

My Droid was $299, with a $100 rebate which makes it $199.

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Droid is a phone created by Motorola and sold by Verizon while Android is a mobile phone operating system created by Google.

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the droid Eris is 99$ from Verizon with a 2 year contract.

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yes, they are both smart phones sold by cellular south and others

Is there a game online like jigsaw words on the kindle?

7 little words. For droid. It may be online but I'm not sure.

Where could a person buy Razr phone covers?

A person could buy a Motorola Droid RAZR case at stores where cell phone accessories are sold. Some online options include Cellular Outfitter, Skinit, and Amazon.