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To determine the number of watts of electric energy consumed by electric iron, we need to multiply the volts and the ampere used by that particular electric iron, so the product of those two is the watts used by the electric iron.

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120V if you're in North America, 230V if you're in Europe.

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Q: How many watts does an electric iron use?
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How many watts does a iron use?

Usually about 1200 to 1500 watts.

How many watts does an electric water heater use?

for a large one it is 4,000 watts and for a smaller one it is 1,000 watts

Does higher watts in an electric iron make it hotter?

Yes, higher watts in an electric iron typically result in a hotter iron. The wattage determines the amount of power the iron consumes, which in turn affects how quickly it heats up and how hot it can get.

How many watts are in an electric toothbrush?

An electric toothbrush typically uses around 1-2 watts of power while in use. This is a low power consumption compared to other household devices.

How many watts does a light use?

Electric lights that use from 0.02 watts to 50,000 watts have been manufactured. The CFLs, fluorescent tubes, and incandescent bulbs in your house probably operate in the range of 20-100 watts.

What would use more volts an electric razor and electric iron?

Electric Iron by far.

How many volts is in ten watts?

Volts and watts are different quantities and their relationship also includes the electric current. Voltage times current in amps equals the power in watts use.

What is electric iron?

electric iron is a small appliance fast and easy to use

Is iron electric?

electric iron is a small appliance fast and easy to use

What is the typical wattage of a soldering iron?

15-25 watts for light use in electronics, 100 watts for heavy use in plumbing.

How many amperes use an electric heater?

The amperage of an electric heater depends on its power rating in watts and the voltage it operates on. To determine the amperage, divide the wattage by the voltage (Amperes = Watts / Volts). For example, a 1500 watt electric heater running on 120 volts would use 12.5 amperes (1500 watts / 120 volts = 12.5 A).

How many watts does an electric piano use?

Look on the back of the equipment for a manufactures label. If the wattage is not on the label just use this equation Watts = Amps x Volts. This will give the wattage that the piano uses whenever it is turned on.