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An online database is searched in order that the consumer can find the product they are looking to purchase, and it is selected. The customer then checks out, and their information is added to a customer database so the company can email the customer periodically; first to review the product and then any time after when the company things the consumer may be interested in a new product. The customer databse also prevents consumers from having to re-enter all their information, such as a shipping address, each time they purchase something from the same website.

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Q: How is a database used during an ecommerce transaction?
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Ecommerce stands for electronic commerce. Electronic commerce is the term for any type of business transaction that takes place by transferring information over the internet.

What do you mean by locking in database system?

here the locking means is that the resource has been acquired on particular data(table) and that resource can not used by another transaction till it locked by any other transaction.

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It is used with business software that holds database to keep the records of every business transaction on a storage media. It can be use on single standalone for personal business or a large scale world wide network for a large scale business, where a server is maintained that holds the database. Client computers are for the front-line transaction.

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Data integrity is preserved by encapsulating unit-of-work actions, such as a transfer from one account to another, in a transaction.The database implementation ensures that either all of the transaction commits, or none of it commits. In the event of a failure and restart of the database, all incomplete transactions are uncommitted, i.e. rolled back.While the transaction is in-flight, any query to data elements used by the transaction reliably retrieve the value they allhad prior to transaction start. Also, any transaction attempting to lock any of those elements for other unit-of-work actions are forced to wait until the first transaction is complete.

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data dictionary and transaction log

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Breif explanation abt remarketing?

In email and online marketing, remarketing or ecommerce remarketing refers to the techniques, strategies and often the automated email systems used by marketers and online merchants to follow up with Web site visitors who do not make a desired action on the Web site­-usually it is when they abandon their shopping cart.Remarketing is a term that has been used in advertising and marketing long before the onset of ecommerce, where the phrase was used to describe the process of "reviving or renewing interest" in a product.However, in ecommerce, the term is now more frequently used to describe the automated email systems used by merchants to follow up with Web site visitors who abandon their shopping cart. Merchants remarket to those abandoners in order to bring them back to complete a transaction on an ecommerce website. For this reason, sometimes people refer to ecommerce remarketing services as "conversion marketing" or "cart abandonment email marketing."

Is estore and ecommerce store are same?

Probably. Lots of terms are used to describe 'eCommerce' - e.g. eRetail, eStore, eShop and so on.

Difference between 2-phase locking and 2-phase commit?

2PC and 2PL are protocols used in conjunction with distributed databases. Both together are The two phase lock protocol (2PL) deals uniquely with the fact how are locks are acquired during a transaction whereas the two phase commit (2PC) protocol deals with the fact how do multiple hosts decide wether one specific transaction is written (commited) or not (abort). 2PL sais that first there is a phase where locks are (during a transaction) acquired (growth phase) and then there is a phase where the locks are beeing removed (shrinking phase). Once the shrinking phase started no more locks can be acquired during this transaction. The shrinking phase usually takes place after an abort or a commit phase in a typical database system. The essence of 2PC is that after a transaction is complete and should be commited a vote starts. Each node which is part of the transaction is asked to "prepare to commit". The node will then check wether a local commit is possible and if yes it votes with "ready to commit" (RTC) [Important: changes are not beeing written to the database at that point]. Once a node signaled RTC the system must be kept in a state where the transaction is allways commitable. If all nodes signal RTC the transaction the transaction master signals them a commit. If one of the nodes does not signal RTC the transaction master will signal abort to all local transactions.