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You get an email if your bid is the high bid for the item. In some cases your settings are set to not send you an email to confirm your bids. So you can also refresh the item page to see if you are the highest bidder or if someone had already outbid you.

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Q: How do you know when your eBay bid has been accepted?
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How do you know what someone's mas bid on eBay is?

Do you mean MAXIMUM bid? If so, you dont. You are not allowed to know

Can you bid more than once on eBay?

Yes, you can bid more than once for a single product on eBay if you've been outbidded. If you want, you can actually set a highest amount you'll bid so that the system will automatically increase the bid for you until the set maximum amount if you've been outbidded. Besides, you can bid for more than one items on eBay at the same time too.

How do you remove a bid on eBay?

Click the link to see how, under some circumstances, you can retract a bid on Ebay.

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How do you retract an eBay bid?

Just bid on a item. You can pay for it if you won it.

Do you have to be online to win a bid on eBay?

no you dont just as long as your maximum bid has not been out bid. If no one gets near to your bid then you automatically win it. So you can be on the toilet if you want in the final moments and still win that used toilet roll

Where do you review your bid on eBay?

In My Ebay under the Bidding section

Can you decline a bid on eBay if you win?


Where can you bid on an item for sale?


Do you have to login to bid on eBay?


What was the highest number of bids on a single eBay item?

32 million dollars is the highest bid ever on eBay for Dirk Diggler's prosthetic... well... you know also a high bid for a dodge charger, it went for 9,900,500 the highest bid on e bay was for ME i am worth 1 billion dollars

Is it free to bid on eBay?

Yes, it is free to make bids on eBay.