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Log in to your online retailer.

Access your account.

See if there's a "Cancel Order" option.

If not, click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page.

Call their toll-free (800, 866, etc.) number and (extremely politely and sweetly) ask to cancel the order.

If they give you any grief (and they may...) ask for their supervisor and sound pissy and indignant with them at first, then change to "reasonable" until they give you what you want.

If they don't, get angry-sounding quickly, give them an earful, and then ask for their supervisor;

Be NICE to the supervisor's supervisor unless they don't give ya what ya want, then see three steps above.

Repeat until:

a: You get what you want;

b: They pass you UP the chain of ppl;

c: They poo-pooh ya and treat you as if you're stupid.

If you get (b) or (c), ask for a supervisor, get their name, and follow the above sequence.

The hardest thing to do here is to remember this: when the next level up (supervisor) takes your call, he's expecting a yelling, screaming mess.

If you just sound polite and a little terse or stressed, his sense of relief will make him putty in your hands. Just be (women) sweet, forceful and a bit dumb (make him feel superior), or (guys) sound as if you've just gotten done yelling, (make sure he hears you) take a deep breath, and then ask politely for what you want. Make him/her believe that you just got done yelling at the last guy, but you've FINALLY gotten in contact with their superior, and OF COURSE s/he'll fix it. Then sound relieved.

They've then got two reasons to fix your problem:

1.) If they can't, they're a failure at their job (b/c others passed the problem up);


2.) They know that you had no problem being VERY angry at their junior associate, so they are REALLY going to try hard to not have to deal with that. :) What's fun is that if one gets really grumpy at a minimum-wage associate and then ask for their supervisor (as long as one doesn't go over the top, that is...) one can move up the chain very quickly,

And now I realize I've gotten off topic. Sorry about that.

For online orders it's similar to IRL orders: NO email!!

Call on the phone, work up the chain, and NEVER take "no" for an answer (or you'll have to start over).

Not that it means much from a random stranger on the internet, but I've seen a co-worker spend 7 hrs on the phone (not working, I might add), but she *DID* end up with the CEO of Maybellene on the phone (they discontinued her mascara)...

Don't take 'NO' for an answer!

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you can't. Neither online nor via phone.

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