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If you are talking about blood diamonds, the only way is to buy only diamonds that come with a certificate.Some diamonds from Africa are called Blood diamonds or conflict diamonds.Blood Diamonds, also known as "Conflict Diamonds" are stones that are produced in areas controlled by rebel forces that are opposed to internationally recognized governments. The rebels sell these diamonds, and the money is used to purchase arms or to fund their military actions. Blood Diamonds are often produced through the forced labor of men, women and children. They are also stolen during shipment or seized by attacking the mining operations of legitimate producers. These attacks can be on the scale of a large military operation. The stones are then smuggled into the international diamond trade and sold as legitimate gems. These diamonds are often the main source of funding for the rebels, and arms merchants, smugglers and dishonest diamond traders enable their actions. Enormous amounts of money are at stake. so bribes, threats, torture, and murder are part of their operations. This is why the term "blood diamonds" is used.

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Conflict free diamonds are those diamonds that have been ethically sourced without any bloodshed. The way to make sure the diamonds are conflict free is to check and see if the retailer or wholesaler has a Kimberley Process certification. The process was set up "to ensure that diamond purchases were not financing violence by rebel movements and their allies seeking to undermine legitimate governments.” (Kimberley process website)

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Does Spence sell conflict diamonds?

Regardless of the retailer, when you purchase a diamond, you can ask for a Kimberly Certified diamond, which attempts to protect you from buying a conflict or blood diamond.

How do you know that the diamond you are buying was not found using slave labor?

These diamonds are called conflict diamonds. Conflict diamonds are diamonds that originate from areas controlled by forces or factions opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments. They are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the United Nations Security Council. The best way to tell if a diamond is a conflict diamond is to shop at a retailer that has a strict policy against selling conflict diamonds.

Are uncut diamonds illegal?

No, uncut diamonds are not illegal. However, there are regulations regarding the mining, buying, and selling of diamonds to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds that fund armed conflicts. It is important to ensure that diamonds are sourced ethically and comply with international regulations.

Are conflict diamonds sold in the US legally?

Conflict diamonds from Liberia and Sierra Leone are barred from import by executive orders. It is difficult to identify conflict diamonds conclusively meaning that some diamonds sold int he US may very well be conflict diamonds.

How are conflict diamonds obtained?

Conflict diamonds are usually mined by humans digging in the soil.

How do conflict diamonds affect cultures?

Conflict diamonds can destroy, dismember and dismantle cultures.

Are blood diamonds and conflict diamonds the same thing?

Yes blood diamonds and conflict diamonds are the same thing. They can also be called converted diamonds, war diamonds or hot diamonds. Hopefully this answered your question.

How do conflict diamonds effect people?

People who mine conflict diamonds can be killed for a whim; conflict diamonds fund mayhem, war, civil unrest and other inhumane activities.

Do Swarovski earrings have conflict free diamonds in them?

Swarovski earrings are not real diamonds, therefore there is no concern about conflict free diamonds. Swarovski jewelry is made from crystals, not diamonds.

Who used the conflict diamonds?

According to "Conflict diamonds are diamonds illegally traded to fund conflict in war-torn areas, particularly in central and western Africa." You can read more, below.

How are conflict diamonds formed?

Conflict diamonds are formed like any other diamond: deep within the earth's mantel under extreme pressure and ultra high heat. It's only when humans become involved in the 'business of diamonds' that diamonds are labeled as conflict diamonds.

Do conflict diamonds help local economies?

Conflict diamonds 'help' the terrorists and criminals who profit from them. In local economies run by terrorists and criminals, you could say that conflict diamonds 'help' those economies, because the diamonds are turned into cash.