It is never wise to give any of the numbers on a credit card unless actively buying something. The first four digits on credit cards vary, as do the last twelve digits, so that people cannot guess numbers and steal the money on the card.
Look at the first digit after the first non-zero digit;if it is 5 or more, add one to the first digit, otherwise keep the first digit as it is;replace all the digits after the first digit by 0s.6592:First digit is 6, first digit after it is 5is 5 greater than or equal to 5 - yes, so add 1 to the first digit: 6 + 1 = 7replace the 592 by 000, to give 7000
The energy level the electron is in
The energy level the electron is in
The answer depends on what the divisor is. Without that information it is not possible to give a more useful answer.
first we have to give carto
first digit of the vin is its location of assembly and country of origin
The Security Number is often refered to as the CVV code. It is the 3 digit number in at the end of the signature box on the back of most cards.
As the first digit after the decimal point is a 5, we round up to give 23 as the answer.
As the first digit after the decimal point is a 2, we round down to give 13 as the answer.
The first quantum number, known as the principal quantum number (n), provides information about the energy level or shell in which an electron is located in an atom. It indicates the distance of the electron from the nucleus, with larger values of n corresponding to higher energy levels farther from the nucleus.