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Give them your pin number and you get whatever you want.

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Q: Explain in simple terms how you would go about buying something from an e-commerce site?
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a generalization

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What reputable companies are currently making eCommerce software?

Scottrader is a very reputable online company that allows you to conduct eCommerce. The fees are low and it is pretty simple to use. They also have features that can help you grow the business.

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Simple answer is No IBM is not buying satyam

What is simple past tense of the word explain?

The simple past tense of the word "explain" is "explained."

What does text to text connection?

its when you make a connection to something private in your life.for ex:your husband hates you than you explain why you hate him. easy and simple.

What are the advantages eCommerce?

- Faster purchasing/selling method, and additionally simple to discover items or products. - 24/7 Buying and selling products. - More reach to clients, there is no limitations. - Low operational expenses and best quality of services. - No need of physical organization set-ups. - Simple to begin and deal with a business. - Users can undoubtedly choose products from various suppliers without moving around physically. So, having an eCommerce website is all the way beneficial for business owners to increase their product or service sales and boost brand awareness.

What is a text to text connection for outsiders?

its when you make a connection to something private in your life.for ex:your husband hates you than you explain why you hate him. easy and simple.

How do you explain justice to a six year old child?

Justice is when someone atands up to something not right. Keep the tone wholesome, and words simple.

How do you do club penguin mission case of the missing puffles?

It is a very easy way but too long to explain to someone who doesn't know how to work out something that simple.

How do you explain infinity?

Infinity is the concept of something that never ends. Obvious examples of this can be found in mathematics. A simple one would be "Limn→0 1/n".