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the heat sensor is probably shorted out

it's a cheap part that you can replace yourself.

*Also, check the exhaust hose and remove any water that may have gotten into it. No air will flow if water is blocking it.

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It is recommended to seek shelter in the basement during a tornado. If you are specifically referring to taking cover in the basement during a tornado, it can be simply called a tornado shelter.

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Yes. A concrete basement is one of the safest places to be during a tornado.

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Yes. The basement is the safest place to be.

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Keep Safety In Mind During Your Basement Finishing Project?

If you are currently finishing your basement, make sure that you are planning ahead for safety. If anyone will be sleeping in the basement after it is finished, they need to have access to a fire escape. Carbon monoxide detectors and fire alarms should also be installed in any basement bedrooms and living spaces. Test these alarms regularly in order to be certain that they are working correctly. Install safety equipment while your basement is being finished so that your basement is completely safe and ready for use after the home improvement project is completed.

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Heating has no influence.

When should you use emergency heat?

During an emergency. i.e. when the heat pump is not working. If your heat pump can not keep your house warm, then the auxiliary heating coils (same thing as emergency heat) will come on automatically. If not, then there is a problem with your heating system.

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It is not.Go to your basement.

Where in the basement do you go during a tornado?

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Is heating a jelly physical change?

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