If you don't have the cash available because of over spending or a slow month, it can be very difficult if an emergent need comes up. Another disadvantage of using cash only is that you must track your spending very carefully. That often means saving every receipt and recording what the expense it is related to. It may be more difficult to make certain purchases when cash is your only payment option, particularly when you want to purchase supplies on the internet.
because cash is really hard to get these days
Won't get instant cash. You would worry about debts. Won't get instant cash. You would worry about debts.
There is no automatic record of the transaction. It is harder to get back if you are dissatisfied.
The biggest advantage of paying with a check is that you do not have to carry cash. One of the disadvantages is that you could potentially spend money that you do not have and be assessed fees for using more money than what is in your account.
Well mainley that you have less money in your pocket and also there is no financial record of you haveing what ever you bought (besides the recipt) but really there's nothing wrong with paying in cash
The main advantage - is that you don't need to carry around large amounts of cash. Disadvantages are... you have to pay interest on any outstanding balance, and the card could be lost or stolen.
the disadvantages f the cash flow is it smells
Paying in person with cash.
You can complete offers and do surveys. That's how I got Playfish cash without paying. Very good.
feature of cash flow
they smell
No, credit is about responsibility over time. Paying cash doesn't help.