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Q: Can you wear a g string on your head do they make them to fit As you dont like wearing hats?
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Related questions

Are hats fashionable or not?

It depends on what kind of hat your wearing, if your wearing a cap, then twist to your side of your head to look cool.

Wearing a hat on your head helps to keep you warmer when there is a cold wind blowing?

yes hats keep your head warm

Does the pope shave his head?

Yes, popes wear a variety of hats, especially Pope Benedict XVI who revived wearing a couple hats that have not been worn by popes in some time.

Why are hats good for your head?

hats good for your head out in the sun, obviously because protects your head from the hotsun

Do hard hats need to be worn at construction sites?

Yes, wearing hard hats at a construction site is truly important. It is a safety issue. Without a hard hat, you're head is vulnerable to falling hard and/or blunt objects and could cause some serious head injuries.

Why does it feel as if you are wearing a hat all the time?

I have felt that and it was because i wore to much head bands,But the cure is letting it down and relaxing also not wear hats,pony tails,or head bands often.

Your brother teases you about wearing bras what should you do?

say you are a doof head and i dont care what you want to say

Why did the Victorians have hats?

a) It was the fashion to wear hats b) They keep the head warm

Can hats keep your head cool?


What are the benefits of wearing a helmet when skateboarding?

Because you dont want to crack open your head or get a concussion.

SHould you write Their hats on their heads or their hat on their head?

You should write "Their hats on their heads" because it matches the plural form of "hats" with the plural form of "heads".

Are hats disrespectful?

Hats on , hats off. If you are Jewish, men should be wearing a yarmulke in Synagogue[ or all the time if thy are Orthodox ], if you are Catholic , it's hats off in church for men. Catholic women used to have to wear some sort of headcovering in church, but not any more.I actually had a nun pin a kleenex on my head with a bobby pin one day. Things change . Hats off inside are generally considered courteous. Of course , yarmulkes are always acepptable anywhere for Jewish men.