They traded things
Canada does not buy cigarettes for people. The Canadian government recognizes that it is better for Canadians to refrain from smoking cigarettes.
Normally, with good intentions, they buy things that earn them money, such as a college degree, or workplace tools, things to start a bussiness, etc.
money was invented for people for trading and it was made by old age people who used that to buy things like us
They want you to spend your money.
Money can buy you access to many society functions and buy you many things that attract people, but it cannot guarantee that any of the people you meet are truly your friends. Your friends will stick by you whether you have money or not.
If people weren't earning money they were hesitant to buy things. If people weren't buying things then their money wasn't stimulating the economy by giving other people money.
Well you see the people with the money buy the candy for the movie!
money cannot buy the things that make people truly happy; a person's health and good relationships are examples.
u only can give money if ur superstar by buy things on starbazaar or giving a code for money
All people, not only Polish, need monety to buy things they need.
they did have jobs because they have to work for money do buy things they need. if they didnt have money to buy water or food, they would die