

Are Primark clothes good quality

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

Best Answer

Yes They Are , It Just Depends On What You Buy.

The Clothes ... Well It Depends How You Treat Themm..

I Have Brought Tons Of Items From Primark And Had Good Results.

Its Just Cheap Clothes... Doesent Mean They Are Not Good Quality.

Hope That Is A Good Awnser To Your Question :)

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Q: Are Primark clothes good quality
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of corse primark is a good make. You get some right good clothes from primark! Its all about fashion!

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Why are primark clothes so cheap?

Primark clothes used to be made by sweatshops in Bangladesh, I think however, that they are currently cheap due to a lack in quality and a cheap brand lable.On the other hand, Primark is good for the latest fashion and if you don't have much money. their clothes look good and well priced.

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primark is a shop and i shop there all the time but the clothes are made by people in Africa and that is what they do for a living how sad Primark is a clothes shop.

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Primark, they are good quality (if u treat the item well) and they are so cheap

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Primark and they good quality mine were £8.

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2 How is shopping in primark now an example of a global industry?

the clothes are very cheap in Primark and they are produced in the LEDC's, while the MEDC's buy the clothes.

Where are good places to shop for clothes?

Probably the best place to shop would be Cardiff because they are really cheap and my favourite shop in Cardiff is probably primark i love it so much the quality is amazing and the price is outstanding.

Is Primark child labour?

yes it it because primark have confessed that they are using children for making their clothes

Are Primark clothes available in department stores?

Primark clothes, an Irish company, are distributed out of Germany. They can be found in department stores only when they are distributed from a larger store.