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Having Bipolar Disorder is extremely difficult to deal with, and is at times hard to explain to others. Friends and family may ask you questions about it and your symptoms. Even though you have Bipolar, it can be hard to put what you feel and experience into words so that others can understand. Should you ever need to explain what Bipolar is, remember these tips to make it easier and less stressful on yourself.

You can start with the very basics - Bipolar Disorder is extreme mood swings. But it's not the same as being sad one morning and happy the next. Bipolar mood swings are very dramatic. There often isn't a middle ground where you're "just happy" or "just a little sad". It comes and goes in episodes that can last for any period of time.

Then you can go into what each mood swing is like. A mood swing can be depressive or manic. Depressive mood swings are unbearable sadness, apathy, and even sometimes feeling suicidal. You feel worthless and it's hard to even get out of bed. Manic moods are the complete opposite. You don't need sleep and you seem to have all the energy in the world. You feel like you can do anything - and you want to do everything, too. You can't turn your thoughts off; they just keep coming nonstop. This causes you to make irrational and sometimes dangerous decisions involving money, your health, and relationships.

Next, explain how Bipolar affects your behavior. You can say, "When I'm manic, I get very irritable and the littlest things make me angry. I don't have a lot of control over myself when that happens and I act out. When I'm depressive, I don't feel like doing anything. I don't talk and I isolate myself. This doesn't excuse how my behavior has affected your feelings, but I wanted to explain why." It's important to educate those around you about your condition, but don't use your Bipolar as an excuse for hurting others (if you have).

Finally, tell people how you manage your condition and explain warning signs. If you feel comfortable, talk about any medication you take to help manage your Bipolar. Also explain the symptoms you show when your Bipolar is getting unmanageable so that your loved ones can recognize your state and try to help you. If you don't feel comfortable stating something, you don't have to, but the more others know, the more help they can be should you need them.

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6mo ago

To explain Bipolar disorder to others, you can convey that it is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include episodes of mania and depression. It is important to stress that it is a medical condition that can be managed with treatment, such as therapy and medication, and that individuals with bipolar disorder should not be stigmatized or judged based on their diagnosis. If comfortable, sharing personal experiences or using analogies can help illustrate the impact of the disorder on daily life.

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Visit the Bipolar Support Group for Significant Others at You can join their mailing list, and find group meetings near you.

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