The origin of the phrase "watch your thoughts, they become words" is unknown. It is often attributed to various sources such as Lao Tzu, Margaret Thatcher, and others. The message behind the phrase emphasizes the power of our thoughts in shaping our words and eventually our actions.
Robert Browning wrote the poem "Home Thoughts from Abroad." It was published in 1845 as part of his collection titled "Dramatic Romances and Lyrics."
The famous poet who wrote about his quill in a poem is William Wordsworth. In his poem "A Night-Piece," Wordsworth reflects on the significance of his quill as a tool for expressing his thoughts and emotions.
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Jennifer Bicks wrote watch me
Jaqiune Wilson wrote her first book in her home office, where she found inspiration and motivation to put her thoughts and ideas into words.
Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Morning Watch was written by James Agee
She wrote books to become famous. Some books she wrote were for kids. This is what she did to become famous.
Adams, Franklin, Lee, Jefferson and others 'wrote' the declaration of independence in terms of what they thought should be included in it. It was the lawyer, Thomas Jefferson that actually wrote their thoughts down in words. From this it does not appear that any of those involved was a 'main writer'.
Dreams From My Father and The Audacity Of Hope
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