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It's from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

I think it's Walton talking to Victor in a letter.

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3mo ago

The quote "You seek for knowledge and wisdom as I did, and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you as mine has been" was written by Mary Shelley in her novel "Frankenstein." It is a warning from the character Victor Frankenstein about the dangers of pursuing knowledge without considering the consequences.

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Q: Who wrote the quote You seek for knowledge and wisdom as I did and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you as mine has been?
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In the bible it represents wisdom and evil.

Is it knowledge that lead us to ourselves or it wisdom?

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The root for wisdom or knowledge is "soph" from the Greek word "sophia," which means wisdom.

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Spanish: Knowledge - Conocimiento Wisdom - Sabiduría Catalan: Knowledge - Coneixement Wisdom - Sabiduria

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Knowledge = wisdom, knowledge and wisdom = understanding.

How do wisdom and knowledge relate to one another?

Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge and experience to make sound decisions and judgements. Knowledge provides the information and understanding, while wisdom helps individuals interpret and use that knowledge effectively in real-life situations. In essence, wisdom is the practical application of knowledge.

Does knowledge is necessary to wisdom?

That question doesnt make any sense. If you meant, "Is knowledge necessary to have wisdom?" the answer is yes. Wisdom is having knowledge and the judgment necessary to make a good decision.

Is knowledge more important than wisdom?

Knowledge and wisdom are both valuable, but they serve different purposes. Knowledge is information acquired through study or experience, while wisdom is the ability to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful, insightful way. In many situations, wisdom is considered more important because it involves understanding the deeper implications and consequences of actions.

What is wisedom?

Wisdom is different from knowledge. While knowledge is akin to intelligence in that it is determined by how much you know, wisdom is how well you are able to use the knowledge you have.

What is the meaning of Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers?

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information. Wisdom is the synthesis of knowledge and experiences into insights that deepen one's understanding of relationships and the meaning of life. In other words, knowledge is a tool, and wisdom is the craft in which the tool is used.