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Man vs. Self
an internal conflict.
Man vs. Self conflict.

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Internal conflict.

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Q: What is the word called when a character has a problem within him or herself?
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When a character has a problem within him or herself?

Internal Conflict

What is a conflict within a character called?

character vs. self

What is it called when a character struggle in his or her heart mind?

internal conflict

What is a Tale told by a character within a framing fictional narrative is called?

A tale told by a character within a framing fictional narrative is called an embedded narrative or a nested story. This literary device allows for multiple layers of storytelling within a single work, adding complexity and depth to the narrative.

What is it when a character within a story is the one developed the most from beggining to end?

That is called the rounded character or the dynamic character. It's also probably the main character or protagonist because that's who the story is about.

Which character is the ruler of Verona within the setting of the play romeo and Juliet?

He is a Prince called Escalus.

What is a coflict in a story?

A conflict in a story is a struggle or problem that a character must face. It creates tension and drives the plot forward by presenting obstacles that the character must overcome. Conflicts can be internal (within the character's own mind or emotions) or external (with other characters, society, or nature).

What is the process of creating a character is called?

U moma

Are 'character vs character' and 'character vs self' examples of internal conflicts?

Yes, 'character vs character' and 'character vs self' are examples of internal conflicts. 'Character vs character' involves a struggle between a character and another character's beliefs or actions, while 'character vs self' involves a struggle within a character's own thoughts, emotions, or decisions.

What is the working together of persons of different traditions within Christianity called?

Ecumenism. The problem is that people define 'within Christianity' differently.

What are characters speaking in a story are called?

When characters speak within a story, it is known as "dialogue." When a character tells a story, it is called "narration."

What is the struggle within the characters mind called?

The struggle within a character's mind is often referred to as internal conflict. This can involve emotional turmoil, moral dilemmas, or competing desires that create tension within the character's thoughts and actions.