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What is external feedback

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11mo ago

Internal feedback refers to the process of gathering and providing feedback within an organization, typically from colleagues, managers, or supervisors. It is used to improve performance, communication, and processes within the organization.

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Feedback mechanisms provide information to the body about changes in internal conditions. This information allows the body to respond and make adjustments to maintain balance and stability, which is essential for overall health and function. By sensing fluctuations and acting to correct them, feedback mechanisms ensure that the body can maintain homeostasis despite external or internal challenges.

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i wish someone smart would answer this.

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Negative feedback helps regulate internal body temperature by sensing changes in temperature and activating responses that counteract those changes. For example, if your body temperature rises, negative feedback mechanisms trigger sweat production and dilate blood vessels to help cool the body. Conversely, if your body temperature drops, negative feedback mechanisms prompt shivering and vasoconstriction to generate heat.

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Feedback control is the process by which a system's output is monitored and used to adjust the system's input. This mechanism allows the body to regulate internal conditions within a narrow range, maintaining homeostasis. Negative feedback is a common type of control system where the system responds in a way that reduces the discrepancy between the desired and actual output.